In 2003, father and son Bert and Rick de Mooij embarked on an adventure to South America to bring home a few alpacas and establish a herd in the Netherlands. Upon their return, they founded Alpacahoeve, a family-run farm that remains central to their lives. Every alpaca on the farm today is a descendant of the original animals they brought back from the Andes.

Alpacas, closely related to their larger cousins, llamas, are native to the mountainous Andes region of South America, particularly in Peru, Bolivia, and Chile. In Europe, alpacas are rare; their export was only permitted after 1983. Bert and Rick were among the first to introduce these remarkable animals to the Dutch public, inspiring admiration for their playful personalities and luxurious wool. Over decades, Alpacahoeve has become a place where everyone can enjoy the charm of alpacas. Their herd frequently wins awards at prestigious shows, and the farm's wool is renowned for its exceptional quality.


Alpacas are truly special animals, known for their playful social behavior and natural curiosity. Visitors are welcome by appointment to experience the magic of our alpacas and explore the farm.

To ensure the best care for our alpacas and maintain our leadership in breeding, we collaborate with international organizations such as AZVD (Alpaca Zucht Verband Deutschland) and BAF (Benelux Alpaca Federation). Through these partnerships, we carefully monitor the health and quality of our animals and their wool. Our mares are selectively bred with stallions from the Netherlands, Germany, England, Australia, and New Zealand, ensuring a diverse and robust genetic foundation for our herd.


In 2025, Alpacahoeve Klinkenberg will take an important step by becoming a foundation. This means all farm revenue will support the foundation, transforming the farm into a shared treasure for everyone. Together, we can celebrate these beautiful animals and the unique connection they foster between humans and nature.

With your support, we will continue to build a community centered around the joy and inspiration our alpacas provide. Visit us and experience the wonder of alpacas yourself—because at Alpacahoeve, it’s not just a farm; it’s a shared passion and a way of life.

Our Team


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